OwlEye –CLIP-ON BLUE LIGHT BLOCKING LENS for Computer & Digital Screens-100% PROTECTION


Hanging OwlEye blockers are lightweight PC (polycarbonate) lenses that block blue light at 98.8% and green at 98.13%, mounted in a delicate mounting system.

3 in stock


Product Description

Flip up, flip down lenses that attach to glasses.

Clip-on OwlEye blockers are lightweight PC (polycarbonate) lenses that block blue light at 98.8% and green at 98.13%, mounted in a delicate mounting system.

OwlEye’s is the ideal solution for people with the above-mentioned issue, looking for protection against junk lighting, are blockers/lenses suspended on already owned glasses, dedicated by a doctor.

Clip-on OwlEye blockers are lightweight PC (polycarbonate) lenses that block blue light at 98.8% and green at 98.13%, mounted in a delicate mounting system.

We provide two versions – lifted lenses and “permanent”.

We are sorry but we are unable to meet the challenge of fitting corrective lenses with a blocking function for deep vision defects and variables resulting from the course of the disease. We also believe that only a specialist ophthalmology institution can speak on this issue.

OwlEye – lifted lens

OwlEye –  lifted lens

OwlEye – Tests provided by the lens manufacturer